[Abstract] [GENO3D help] [Original server]
Database : Non-redundant protein sequences NPS@ 3D SEQUENCES AT 95% IDENTITY (from PDB) NPS@ 3D SEQUENCES (from PDB)
Sequence 1 name (optional) : Paste protein 1 sequence below : help
Filter query sequence (-F) : TrueFalse(DUST with BLASTN, SEG with others) Expectation value (-e, real) : 1e-061e-031.010.0100.0 Number of on-line description (-v, int) : 500 1000 Number of alignments to show (-b, int) : 500 1000 Matrix (-M) : BLOSUM45BLOSUM62BLOSUM80PAM30PAM70 Expectation value threshold for inclusion in multipass model(-h, real) : 0.0010.0020.010.1 Maximum number of passes to use in multipass version (-j, int) : 12345678910 (limited to 10)